Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Write

Everyday when I come home from school, I come home to the same issues. I feel that I am way to mature to be in the house that I am in presently. Several girls in my house are very immature for thier age and don't know how to respect people or their privacy. They curse our houseparents out, constantly start drama with the other girls, and don't knock when they're coming into people's rooms. I never go off campus unless i'm going on pass because I don't want to put up with childish games. The girls in my house steal, and make rude remarks about people on the outings. I chose to not really be that kind of person. The house as a whole can't even sit down without someone having something rude to say. When we're watching a movie and someone is talking, the other person will repeatedly be rude. I really want to remain in this house but if I do things need to change. I'm starting to get comfortable with my houseparents and I wouldn't want to move because of the Girls in my house. Overall at this moment, i'm just frusrated/dissapointed at my house.


  1. Yeah, so hope that one day you don't feel that way.

  2. Just don't let them bring you down Heather. I know you and your better than that.

  3. Hey heather I really hope you stick it out in that house. Diverse situations give you expierence that you can use for the rest of your life. If you are close to your house parents they are people that you can keep in contact with even aafter you live here so it is worth you trying to stick it out for that relationship.

  4. That sounds horrible, you can move to our house in Beverly Hills. Just kidding, everyone should have a litle respect.

  5. It sounds like you are having a bad time in that house! Maybe you should ask to move out!?

  6. Well dude dont let it get to you. If your comfortable in that house thats all that matters.

  7. Girl you blog is off the hook i love the back ground the best

  8. I hope everything goes well in the house Heather Bear. just do teh best you can!!

  9. thats the same thing in my house and i decided i didn't want to leave but if im always getting angry and stuff there than it's time to leave you should think about what would be best for you

  10. I can understand the way you feel,but if you really feel the need to move houses you should just remember every house has its drama.

  11. I understand, I feel the same way. But meanwhile just keep your head up and don't get caught up in the mess.

  12. I agree with everyone advising you to stay in the house. I know there were many days when I wished I could move out of my parents house when I was your age. You should meet my little brothers! However, it was all worth it. Have you shared this post with your houseparents?
