Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life In 2053 "The Pedestrian" Before You Read

It's 10:00am Monday morning and I'm getting ready for work. As I'm getting ready my husband comes home from work and lands his flying truck in the driveway. I wake my kids up for school while the automated maid makes their breakfast. I'm in my jet off to work but on the way I have to stop and get gas. I was on my way to work but then all of a sudden I crashed into a racecar that flew by the red light and didn't even
Stop. I walked into the office and started my work. The only thing I have to do is speak to my computer and it types the letters for me. My co-workers told me that we had a new president of "Glamour In Pink." I wanted to meet him but then they told me he was plastic and could only speak sophisticated words. Well it was time for me to get off work so I clocked myself out with paying a dollar. Life in 2053 to me so far is very different from like current in 2010.

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