Friday, January 29, 2010

My favorite song when I was a child

When I was a child, my favorite song was "The Dragon Tales" theme song. When I listened to it, it made me feel happy and hyper because of the rhythm. When I listen to it now , I just laugh and think to myself, I cant believe I liked this song.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rhmye Zone Poem

Friends are like glue,
They stick to you.
They're always around,
When things go down.
Lend a helping hand,
They are there to stand.
By your side they will be,
True friends you will see.
These friendships are forever,
These friendships will never sever.
My friends I will always cherish,
So our friendship shall never perish.

"The rhyme scheme of this poem is -AABBCCDDEEFF."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Podcast Poem Preview

A Simile by Navarre Scott Momaday

What did we say to each other
that now we are as the deer
who walk in single file
with heads high
with ears forward
with eyes watchful
with hooves always placed on firm ground
in whose limbs there is latent flight

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My winter Vacation

My winter vacation was really exciting and incredible. I went half the time at aunts, then my moms. When I went to my aunt’s house I had a fun. My cousin and I were always hanging out and playing games with each other. On New Years Eve, my cousin went out side to the balcony and threw firecrackers off. It was amazing. Then, I went to my moms house and we played I spy. After, I got to see my brother and sister. I went over to visit them and we went to the park. Then I went back to my mom’s house and spent the rest of the time with her. I had a lot of fun over the break.