Friday, August 27, 2010

Paralyzed by Fear

July 3rd 2008 was the worst day of my life. I remember being in pain 3 days in a row and this day was the most painful. The staff at my recent group home took me to Tri-City Emergency Room. I was having pain on my lower left abdomin. They got me into a room were I was waiting for like an hour before the docotr cam in and saw me. When he did he told me that they needed to give me a at-scan. I was scared but I just wanted my excruciating pain to go away. The doctor from the cat-scan department came and got me and wheeled me away. I had to lay on a table and I couldn't move. After I got done he took me back to my room and wait for the results. Te doctor came in twenty minutes later and said that I did have a problem but it was to big for the screen to see. So then they ordered me an ultra sound. The female docotor came and got me and started to put the warm jelly on my stomach. I screamed the whole time she did it because she was pressing on my stomach with all the strength she had. She brought me back to my room and I was hardcore crying that people were staring at me but I didn't care. I was scared that I was going to need sugery but the staff told me not to worry. the doctor finally came in and told me that I needed to be rushed down to Children's Hospital for an emergency surgery. He told me that I had a tumor that was the size of a twinkie on my overy, and that my falopian tube was rapped around my overy three times. So an abulance came and put me in the back and took me to Children's. When I got there they put me in a room and the nurses gave me a cathader. Then my surgeon Dr. Sinez and Anesthesisiologist came and told me what they were going to do. My surgeon told me that if I would had not come in the next twenty-four hours I would have died. I was scared when he said that; I was also afraid of not making it through the surgery alive. They wheeled me into the procerdure room and layed me on a table. The lady said count to five and I was knocked out. I honestly don't even remember counting to one. It took two hours to fix my problem. I woke up in the recovery room and I saw all of my family standing over me and crying. I cried because I was actually glad that I woke up. I stayed in the hospital for a week and four days before I could finally go back home. This was the time I was paralyzed by fear.

"Content's of the Dead Man's Pocket" Yellow Paper Paragraph

Honestly the only possessions I have that I think are really important to me are my sister and brother. I think if I lost them it would devastate me that they were gone forever. It would make me realize that I never spend enough time with them, I was mean to them, and how selfish I was. If I never lost them I'm pretty sure that I would continue to do the same pattern every time I saw them. They would think that I didn't care for them and that they were not important to me. Also, if I lost them I would live a lot healthier lifestyle. I wouldn't be so rude to them because what if I lost those people also, I would feel horrible.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Content's of the Dead Man's Pocket Paragraph

In the story "Content's of the Dead Man's pocket" Tom Benecke makes a very Life threatning decision. He decides to go out the window ledge to get a paper or work that had blown out the window. When he did go out the window and got the piece of paper he realized that he puts to much time into his work than with his wife. If he had not grabbed the yellow piece of paper he still would be focused on his work than spending time with Clare. She would of probably wanted to go spend time with him like go to see a premire in theater. Tom wouldn't of known how Clare felt because she didn't tell him; but he probably would still be comitted to his work. It's good that a life threating decision changed his mind about the way he looked at things.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homework or Friend's Post

I would definently pick homework over friend's anyday. I come home and do my homework after school, that way I have the rest of the day to hang out with my friends. My homework is important to me because If I don't do my work I'm not going to end up no where in life. If my friend's were really my friends they would understand that my homework comes first. I would love to go to college but that includes graduating from high school and being independent. I don't want to be the person that sits under a tree with my friends all day and smoke weed. That would mean I achieved nothing at life and smoking blunts is the best way to go. Overall i just think that homework is way more important than friends.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Write

Everyday when I come home from school, I come home to the same issues. I feel that I am way to mature to be in the house that I am in presently. Several girls in my house are very immature for thier age and don't know how to respect people or their privacy. They curse our houseparents out, constantly start drama with the other girls, and don't knock when they're coming into people's rooms. I never go off campus unless i'm going on pass because I don't want to put up with childish games. The girls in my house steal, and make rude remarks about people on the outings. I chose to not really be that kind of person. The house as a whole can't even sit down without someone having something rude to say. When we're watching a movie and someone is talking, the other person will repeatedly be rude. I really want to remain in this house but if I do things need to change. I'm starting to get comfortable with my houseparents and I wouldn't want to move because of the Girls in my house. Overall at this moment, i'm just frusrated/dissapointed at my house.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Memorable Birthday

It was a sweltering Saturday afternoon, when I was celebrating my sister and my 10th birthday. I remember a lot of people being there and I was exicted that they brought me present's. My mom went on Camp penalton and got us a jumper to set up in the back yard. So my friends, sister, and brother spent all day having fun/messing around. When we got out my made had relay races set up for us to play. One of them was that you had to get a piece of bubble gum that was burried on a plate full of whip cream. After we got the piece of gum we had to blow a bubble and the first one that did won a prize. Finally, it came time and my sister and I got to open all of our presents. I got a whole buch of money, clothes and barbie dolls. Overall I had a pretty good day and it was the most memorable birthday I ever had.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Q's in the News for "Devastation in Pakistan."

1. “Who: Asif Ali Zadari is the president of Pakistan.”
2. “What: The recent monsoon rains in Pakistan caused landslides in the north, raising water levels, destroyed the government’s aid efforts.”
3. “Where: Sindh Providence in southern Pakistan was the country that people were hard-hit by the rains and flooding.”
4. “When: The last major disaster was 2005 in Kashmir, Pakistan due to an earthquake.”
5. “Why: Aid workers were having trouble reaching the effected areas because roads/ valley’s were blocked off from the country.”
6. How: “ There were about six million people affected and one thousand five hundred people killed because of the current floods in Pakistan.”

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twenty-Five Random Things About Me

1. I do not like chocolate, pineapples, coconuts, cake, chicken or frosting.
2. When I look at people I have the tendency to flare my nostrils.
3. I hate the color pink, but yet everything in my room happens to be pink.
4. When I was little, and I scraped my knee, I used to go back to look for the missing piece of skin.
5. I use to steal my sister’s Barbie Dolls’ and light their hair on fire.
6. I have always thought about being an alien and living on another planet.
7. Whenever I fall, I’ll laugh about the situation for hours.
8. My Uncle had a missing finger that he would always tell me was under the couch. Then he would tell me to go look for it and that’s where I spent most of my time.
9. I like going on adventures to look for little animals except spiders and snakes.
10. I have an obsession with brushing my teeth; I usually brush my teeth seven to eight times a day.
11. Still to this day I watch Dragon Tales, Max and Ruby, Tom and Jerry and Sesame Street.
12. I have loved writing in pen since I was in 6th grade, and for some reason I can not use pencil.
13. I think it’s cool to work with dead bodies and see their insides.
14. I really don’t drink soda and if I do it’s sprite.
15. I like saving my money to see how long I can go without spending it.
16. When I’m with my friends I like saying random things out loud.
17. When my mom and I are in the store, I’ll go up to random people and call them mom or dad.
18. When I get bored, I like to go through my things to see what different objects I have.
19. I save most of my bracelets that I get from the E.R, and outings.
20. I hate walking through large crowds or even being around them.
21. I keep salt bags on top of my doors and windows because I don’t want spirits in my room.
22. I like playing with other people’s hair because it feels good having strands of hair slither through my fingers.
23. I was rushed to Children’s Hospital because I needed an emergency surgery.
24. I can’t put lotion on my legs after I get out of the shower because it makes me break out.
25. Most of the time when I sneeze, it sounds like a squeaking mouse.


Wordle: Heather

Monday, August 9, 2010

Most Embarassing Moment

It was a cold, muggy weekday around 8:15am. I was in 5th grade, and I was in a rush to get to school because I was already late. When my mom dropped me off I went straight to the office to get a pass. There were a numerous amount of kids in front of me waiting for that same pass. I was next in line and the lady asked what my name was, and I said Heather. She wrote the pass and I was off to class. Well I was running and there was this hill that we had to go over to get to my classroom. While I was running I tripped and flew over the hill and rolled onto the cement and got scratches all over me. The other kids were laughing at me while they were on the way to their class. I got up and started crying because it hurt and the other kids were taunting me. So I went to the nurse’s office and she cleaned and wrapped my knee for me. Then she gave me a pass to class and told me to be careful. I made sure I was careful because I didn’t want to fall and have the same thing happen to me. Overall it was embarrassing, but when I think of it now it was actually pretty funny.

Weekend Post

When I woke up Saturday around 10:00am I was still tired, but I got up and got ready for the day. Alliyah came into my room after I got out the shower and asked me if I could do her makeup and I said sure. I was still not dressed and it was kind of akward doing her makeup in my towel. After, I got ready and went outside and layed in the grass and stared at the sky. I consider laying in the grass by myself a thinking area for me. It felt really good outside: it wasn't to cold but it wasn't to hot. I managed to stay out there all day until dinner hour. When I came in for dinner hour I went into my room and layed on my bed. While I was laying on my bed I realized I still had to finish my homework. Alliyah arrived back and she and I did our homework together. The Biology homework was easy. At 6:30pm we went outside and sat in the grass and talked to each other about what was going on with us. Then next thing you know it was 10:00pm and it was time for us to go inside. Overall, I had a pretty good weekend and at least I got to spend it with my friends.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Day of School

Yesterday was my first day of school and it was fantastic. I have 2 favorite classes so far which are Spanish and Biology. I like Spanish because I feel comfortable with all of the kids in there and there aren't that many. I also like Biology because I want to major in Forensic Science and I think it's interesting. I felt extremely tired in the morning, but after 3rd period I was hyper. This school year I plan on having good grades and being very involved in school activites.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back to School

It was a little to early to go back to school but it has been good so far. I like my third and fourth period so far; there's not a lot of kids in it. I think this year it's going to be fun but challenging and I'm willing to step up to the plate and try.