Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"What I Learned in English 9/10 Second Quarter."

English Second Quarter 9/10 was very easy for me. I learned a lot by paying attention instead of talking to other people and goofing around. I've been to a lot of different schools and I think this one is the most challenging for me. I like it being challenging because it gets me prepared for college. I've learned things like irony, ambiguity, narrator, voice, character, and theme. I actually like learning about new stuff because it gives me an opportunity to expand my knowledge.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"Lamb to the Slaughter" - I'm the Detective.

If I was a detective investigating the murder of Patrick Maloney in “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, I would have arrested her in the suspicion of the murder. She was there when the cops got their so I would have put the blame on her until they found out who actually did it. I also wouldn't eat something that you know might be the murder weapon. Patrick got hit with something large so they should have known they were looking for something big like the lamb leg. Finally I would have called in a forensic team. I would have called them because they're more educated about investigating murders.I would have been an effective detective.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Lamb to the Slaughter" Mary's Giggling .

At the end of “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Ronald Dahl, Mary Maloney begins giggling because she lied to the police and said she didn't kill her husband. She was very calm during the whole process of people coming in and investigating, which made her seem like she didn't do it. Mary also served the weapon they were looking for to them as dinner. The police thought the weapon was a big metal item so Mary thought while she had a chance to serve them the lamb for supper. Finally she was giggling because while the police were eating supper one of the investigators said it smelled like the weapon was right beneath their nose. The supper that they were eating was the weapon but it's funny to Mary because they didn't know it was the lamb.

If you were in Mary shoes would you:
Leave him on the floor
Bury his body
Blame it on someone else
Tell them that you did it by accident
Run as soon as the cops got thier free polls

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Situational Irony in My Life."

Back when I lived with my mom when I was between the ages 7-12 I took on the role of a parent. I had to take care of my brother and sister because my mom was always drunk and rarely home. I would cook for them, get them ready for school, bathe them, clean the house,help them with thier homework, and make sure they got on the bus for school.I didn't really get to do anything that normal kids my age were able to.Even though I wanted to give up, I knew it was my brother and sister so I couldn't.

Monday, December 6, 2010

“Persuasive Project.”

You can visit this project here.

Would you adopt a child?
Heck No
Yes, I love kids
The more the merrier
I don't think it's right for me
I don't want any free polls