During my winter break experience I had a funny thing that happened. On December 21 I went to the E.R because I was having really bad chest pain and my arms felt numb and the feeling wouldn't go away. My mom and I sat in the waiting room for like forty five minutes. Then one of the nurses called be back and put me in a room. She made me change into a gown and then take a urinary test.
In the meantime, I was waiting in the room for the doctor to come in and see me. He finally came in like an hour later and asked me a whole bunch of different questions. Then he asked me what was wrong and I told him the symptoms I was having. The doctor told me that he thought it was caused by stress and I was having bad anxiety. He wanted to take EKG, where they put little wires that regulate your heartbeat, to make sure there wasn't anything wrong.
After the test was done, the doctor told me that I had costocongitis which was my chest being inflammed. He perscribed medicine and then talked to me about my urinary test. He asked me if there was a chance I could be pregnant and I told him no. He was like well your urinary test said that you were pregnant, but if you say that your not you need to take another one. I took another one and it finally took an hour for the results to come back. At last the doctor came back and said that I wasn't and he got this patient and my results mixed up some how.