Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“Animal Farm” Revolution at SPA

It was a friday night when all the kids on campus were expected to be in the gym for a cofidential meeting. As Morgan walked into the gym she noticed there was no staff and a whole bunch of kids. Sherlene had managed to steal the keys from the office when no one was around. " Everybody sit down and pay attention!" she demanded. As everyone started to sit down Sherlene starts to talk.
" We all know that these staff get on our nerves, right? So how about we plan revenge!" Sherlene yelled. " I have an idea that seems fun." Nicholas replied. So Sherlene took notes on the idea that he had given her. Sherlene shared the idea with the group and everybody agreed. " So everyone's up for AWOLing tonight. Everybody meet back in the gym at 7:45pm and we will leave from there."
It was 7:45pm and everybody on campus was in the gym getting ready to have a blast. All the staff on campus were directed to follow the students like as if they were up to something. The kids huddled into a group, counted to 10, and ran everywhere even into the orange groves. The staff were heated that they had to stop what they were doing to chase kids.

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