Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homework or Friend's Post

I would definently pick homework over friend's anyday. I come home and do my homework after school, that way I have the rest of the day to hang out with my friends. My homework is important to me because If I don't do my work I'm not going to end up no where in life. If my friend's were really my friends they would understand that my homework comes first. I would love to go to college but that includes graduating from high school and being independent. I don't want to be the person that sits under a tree with my friends all day and smoke weed. That would mean I achieved nothing at life and smoking blunts is the best way to go. Overall i just think that homework is way more important than friends.


  1. Im glad you feel that way about your homework. Hey something is wrong with your links on the right side of your blog.

  2. Good thing you are motivated towards school, but you need to finish all your homework.

  3. it's good that you think that way but just don't get obsessed with your hwk

  4. HEy I like your blog background it's nice. I think you shoild add some games or something to make it more fun.
