Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twenty-Five Random Things About Me

1. I do not like chocolate, pineapples, coconuts, cake, chicken or frosting.
2. When I look at people I have the tendency to flare my nostrils.
3. I hate the color pink, but yet everything in my room happens to be pink.
4. When I was little, and I scraped my knee, I used to go back to look for the missing piece of skin.
5. I use to steal my sister’s Barbie Dolls’ and light their hair on fire.
6. I have always thought about being an alien and living on another planet.
7. Whenever I fall, I’ll laugh about the situation for hours.
8. My Uncle had a missing finger that he would always tell me was under the couch. Then he would tell me to go look for it and that’s where I spent most of my time.
9. I like going on adventures to look for little animals except spiders and snakes.
10. I have an obsession with brushing my teeth; I usually brush my teeth seven to eight times a day.
11. Still to this day I watch Dragon Tales, Max and Ruby, Tom and Jerry and Sesame Street.
12. I have loved writing in pen since I was in 6th grade, and for some reason I can not use pencil.
13. I think it’s cool to work with dead bodies and see their insides.
14. I really don’t drink soda and if I do it’s sprite.
15. I like saving my money to see how long I can go without spending it.
16. When I’m with my friends I like saying random things out loud.
17. When my mom and I are in the store, I’ll go up to random people and call them mom or dad.
18. When I get bored, I like to go through my things to see what different objects I have.
19. I save most of my bracelets that I get from the E.R, and outings.
20. I hate walking through large crowds or even being around them.
21. I keep salt bags on top of my doors and windows because I don’t want spirits in my room.
22. I like playing with other people’s hair because it feels good having strands of hair slither through my fingers.
23. I was rushed to Children’s Hospital because I needed an emergency surgery.
24. I can’t put lotion on my legs after I get out of the shower because it makes me break out.
25. Most of the time when I sneeze, it sounds like a squeaking mouse.


  1. Oh Heather your so RANDOM!
    My favorite on is #17

  2. I try to do #17 all the time but it never lasts long.

  3. Hahaha! Wow girlfriend you are so random. Your also kind of weird. But that is what makes you unique.
