Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend Post

When I woke up Saturday around 10:00am I was still tired, but I got up and got ready for the day. Alliyah came into my room after I got out the shower and asked me if I could do her makeup and I said sure. I was still not dressed and it was kind of akward doing her makeup in my towel. After, I got ready and went outside and layed in the grass and stared at the sky. I consider laying in the grass by myself a thinking area for me. It felt really good outside: it wasn't to cold but it wasn't to hot. I managed to stay out there all day until dinner hour. When I came in for dinner hour I went into my room and layed on my bed. While I was laying on my bed I realized I still had to finish my homework. Alliyah arrived back and she and I did our homework together. The Biology homework was easy. At 6:30pm we went outside and sat in the grass and talked to each other about what was going on with us. Then next thing you know it was 10:00pm and it was time for us to go inside. Overall, I had a pretty good weekend and at least I got to spend it with my friends.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good narrative paragraph! You're right about the weather. It was very pleasant this weekend.
